In typical fashion, I've been working on several projects at once. Still trying to get some wallets done for my etsy shop. I also have a couple of big knitting projects going. One is the beautiful Dryad scarf by Jared Flood, and the yarn I got for it is so amazingly soft! The pattern is all cables though so it's going to take me awhile to finish (I will probably get it done when it's too warm outside to need it). It's already getting close to that here it seems, it feels a lot like springtime!
I've also been working on my second sweater. I would post a pic of it, but it's on circular needles so it just looks like a jumble of fabric. But the way it's worked is so much different than the first sweater I did, it's pretty neat. I can see how this way would be easy (well easier anyways) to make my own pattern.
I made these coffee cup sleeves quite awhile back, I just haven't gotten around to photographing them until now. There's a coffee shop down at the water front park and for some reason they never seem to have cup sleeves, so I decided to make some for us.
I am hoping to write up the pattern for them...eventually.